Saturday 21 September 2013

Prostate Gland

Enlargement of the prostate gland is very common, affecting 80% of men over the age of 80. The hypertrophy (enlargement) is more often benign than malignant.

Glutathione deficiency has been linked with the increased likelihood of developing an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer. 

The Vital Role of Selenium 

Brazil nuts are high in selenium

A recent study by the National Cancer Institute showed that selenium supplementation dramatically reduced the incidence of prostate cancer.

Selenium is essential for the production of glutathione peroxidase, the enzyme that mediates antioxidation by glutathione.

Glutathione supplementation can help to prevent and treat prostate issues


There is increasing evidence that the glutathione system provides a vitally important defence against prostate problems. Glutathione supplementation and dietary changes are an important way to maintain a healthy gland as well as providing protection against the development of prostate cancer.

The novel compound RiboCeine™ provides a very effective method of increasing intracellular glutathione production, by providing the essential precursors ribose and cysteine directly to the cells. RiboCeine is the key ingredient in the glutathione boosting supplement Cellgevity™, along with supporting ingredients such as selenium to enhance the absorption of glutathione. 
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