Friday 20 September 2013

Arthritis and the role of Glutathione

Arthritis and the role of Glutathione


Arthritis is a painful and debilitating condition characterised by inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, and is a degenerative condition related to aging. The cartilage that normally cushions our joints gets worn away as we age causing the bones to rub together, creating inflammation of the joint. 

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory immune disease that can strike at any age and is triggered when the body's own immune system starts to attack the joints and other tissues. 

This xray shows a normal hand on the right, characterised by clean contours of the bone structure and well defined joint spaces (highlighted by arrow) where the cartilage is located. In contrast, the xray to the left shows a severe case of RA showing irregular bony growths and diminished joint spaces.

It is now known that cellular inflammation is at the root of most diseases, including arthritis. 

Glutathione is our body's most powerful natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule. Created by every single cell, glutathione plays an important role in the immune system and has potent anti-inflammatory effects.

Scientists have discovered that people with arthritis have significantly reduced glutathione levels. 

Inflammation is at the root of all disease


Glutathione levels become depleted as we age

Unfortunately, our glutathione levels become rapidly depleted as we age,
 leading to a build up of free radicals and inflammation within our cells
To add to the problem, pain medications and other pharmaceutical 
drugs have the unfortunate side effect of further depleting our
 glutathione levels, creating a vicious circle. 

Glutathione reduces inflammation and strengthens the immune system

Glutathione deficiency allows oxidative damage to accelerate the progression of arthritic conditions. Glutathione supplementation can be of great benefit in treating these conditions. 

The novel compound RiboCeine is a unique fusion of the amino acid cysteine with the simple saccharide ribose. It effectively delivers the essential precursor nutrients to the cells where they can then be turned into glutathione. RiboCeine has been shown to dramatically increase intracellular glutathione levels, and is the key ingredient in the supplement Cellgevity

For people suffering with arthritis, Cellgevity offers joint support and may provide a natural alternative to the unwanted side effects of strong anti-inflammatory drugs.  
To order and receive discounts, log in to:

"With Cellgevity, we now have the best anti-inflammatory (without any side effects) and the best detoxifier that I've ever seen"    Dr Don Colbert

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