Friday 20 September 2013

Glutathione in Cystic Fibrosis

Glutathione (GSH) performs many important roles in the body, and is vital for a strong immune system. In the lungs glutathione is the first line of defence against infection, oxidative stress, inhaled viruses and pollutants. Glutathione also has a mucolytic action, helping to thin the lung secretions. 
In cystic fibrosis, glutathione is depleted throughout the whole body, not just the lungs, leading to systemic inflammation. 


Essential Building Blocks

Glutathione is composed of three precursors
Glutathione (GSH) cannot be taken by mouth as it is quickly destroyed in the stomach if taken orally. In addition the glutathione molecule is too large to be transported through the cell wall. Instead, to create a sustained boost in systemic glutathione production, the necessary glutathione precursors must be provided. 
Glutathione is made within the cells from three precursors (building blocks). Two of the three amino acids, glutamate and glycine, are readily available in the diet. It is the limited availability and poor absorption of the third amino acid, cysteine, that regulates the production of glutathione.  

A Novel Solution

Cysteine is essential for the formation of glutathione, however it is a fragile molecule that is quickly broken down in the digestive tract. The novel Riboceine compound uses ribose to protect the cysteine and deliver it directly to the cell where it can be turned into glutathione. The ribose component is then converted into ATP (energy) in the mitochondria. Watch the video to learn more about RiboCeine:
Click play to learn more:

Riboceine, the key ingredient in the oral nutritional supplement Cellgevity, has been shown in studies to be highly effective at increasing intracellular glutathione levels. It is also more effective and safer than its nearest rival N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). 

Cellgevity also contains other powerful ingredients that enhance glutathione absorption such as alpha lipoic acid, silymarin (milk thistle) and selenium, in addition to natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents such ascurcumin. Cellgevity is ideal for supporting optimal glutathione levels and long term health in cystic fibrosis.

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What the Doctors Say:

"Research trials have revealed a link between low systemic glutathione (GSH) levels and higher complications in cystic fibrosis."

"We believe raising GSH levels will have major positive consequences for patients with cystic fibrosis."   American Healthcare Foundation   

"Proper GSH system functioning also affects immune system competence and mucus viscosity, both of relevance to cystic fibrosis pathophysiology. In a way, cystic fibrosis may be thought of as the first identified disease with GSH system dysfunction."   Dr V Hudson 
"RiboCeine, I believe, is the most important nutriceutical discovery in my lifetime, and unfortunately most doctors know nothing about it because they are being trained by the pharmaceutical industry"  Dr D Colbert

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